Breast Cancer & Cosmetic Surgery | D B Ghosh

Revision surgery and Implant exchange

Revision surgery and Implant exchange

Mr Ghosh, one of the best breast consultant in London,sees NHS patients and private patients in the settings of a One stop breast clinic, All his consultations for breast cancer as well as breast cancer surgery and breast screening are carried out in world class facilities where one stop service of all radiology and Pathology is available in the same consultation. He is among the best breast surgeons in London and always accompanied by a Specialist Breast care Nurses who is able to counsel and meet the holistic needs of a patient.

Genetic tests for Risks of Breast cancer for BRCA genetic defects are available for suitable patients.

All patients who have Sentinel Node Biopsy will have intra operative testing for presence of Cancer Cells. OSNA and imprint cytology is performed as a routine hence avoiding two operations in certain cases.All patients and their management is always discussed at the multidisciplinary team that are attended by the leading radiologists, Oncologists and pathologists of London.

All operations are performed at the leading Hospitals of the world that include The Harley Street Clinic, The London Clinic and The Royal Free Hospital.