Breast Cancer & Cosmetic Surgery | D B Ghosh

Breast Reconstructive Surgery

Unlock your confidence with breast reconstruction surgery

If you’re facing a mastectomy, breast reconstruction is an option. Expert breast surgeon, Mr Ghosh specialises in breast cancer, breast reconstruction, and cosmetic breast surgery, offering you comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.

breast reconstruction after mastectomy surgery

What is breast reconstruction surgery?

Breast reconstruction surgery is a medical procedure designed to recreate the appearance of a breast or breasts. The aim is to restore a more natural look, symmetry, and contour to the chest. Following a mastectomy, breast reconstruction surgery can help improve your self-esteem, body image, and overall quality of life.

There are two primary types of breast reconstruction surgery:

1. Implant-based reconstruction

In this method, we use silicone or saline implants to rebuild the breast. The implants are placed under the chest muscles or breast skin to achieve the desired shape and size. (We only use top-tier implants from Allergan and acellular dermis from KCI.)

2. Autologous or flap reconstruction

With this technique, we use your tissue, often harvested from your abdomen, back, or buttocks, to create a new breast mound. This method can result in a more natural feel and appearance.

The choice between implant-based and autologous reconstruction depends on factors such as your health, body shape, and individual preferences. As a specialist in surgical oncology and oncoplastic surgery, Mr Ghosh excels in both implant-based breast reconstructive surgery and using your tissue to create a natural-looking breast. He will guide you on the most suitable approach, helping you explore the benefits, risks, and various aspects of breast reconstruction to ensure you make an informed decision.

It’s important to note that breast reconstruction aims to restore the physical appearance of the breast but may not fully replicate the sensations of a natural breast.

After a mastectomy, when does breast reconstruction happen?

The timing of breast reconstruction after a mastectomy can be immediate or delayed:

  • Immediate reconstruction: This is performed at the same time as your mastectomy, reducing the psychological impact of losing a breast. However, not all patients are suitable candidates for immediate reconstruction.
  • Delayed reconstruction: This is performed after your initial breast cancer treatment is complete. You may choose this option for various reasons, including personal preference or medical considerations, especially if you need chemotherapy or radiotherapy first.

Do all mastectomy patients have a breast reconstruction?

Choosing whether to undergo breast reconstruction is an incredibly personal decision made after thorough research and a comprehensive understanding of the potential effects. Not all individuals undergoing mastectomy choose a reconstruction. Some opt for other alternatives or choose not to have any reconstructive surgery. Your decision will be deeply personal and based on your unique circumstances and preferences. But rest assured, we’ll support you through your decision-making process.

Compassionate support throughout

Your journey with us includes consultations with Mr Ghosh and highly trained specialist breast care nurses. Beyond medical expertise, we offer emotional and psychological support, ensuring you feel cared for at every step.

We aim to empower women through breast reconstruction options that restore confidence and quality of life after cancer treatments.

Important advice:
If you’re considering breast reconstruction surgery, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. As one of the leading breast surgeons in the UK, Mr Ghosh will conduct a thorough examination, discuss the available options, and help you choose the most appropriate procedures to achieve your desired outcome. Open communication between you and Mr Ghosh is essential to ensure realistic expectations and a positive surgical experience.

Patient testimonial seen for breast cancer, breast reconstruction:
“My experience with Mr Ghosh regarding breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and surgery has been outstanding. He explained every step and options in a factual and comforting manner. He kept it real but with great care and consideration. On completion of breast reconstructive surgery by Mr Ghosh, it is hardly noticeable. On many occasions when I was examined by consultants and medical staff, including other hospitals, they were visibly impressed with the surgery. They either knew of him and further endorsed Mr Ghosh was one of the best or they asked who did my surgery as it was so amazing! Thank you, Mr Ghosh!” March 2021 (source:

Next steps

If you’d like to talk in confidence about breast reconstruction surgery in a London clinic or book a consultation with Mr Ghosh, contact us below:

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