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Breast augmentation

Everything you wanted to know about breast augmentation

Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, requires careful consideration and informed decision-making. Before undergoing this procedure, you must thoroughly know about the process, potential risks, and necessary preparations. Here, we provide essential insights to guide you through this important decision.

Understanding breast augmentation

During breast augmentation surgery, implants are placed beneath the breast tissue or chest muscles. The implants enhance breast size. While many view it as a means to boost confidence, others may seek it as part of reconstructive efforts following various conditions. If you’re contemplating breast surgery in London, consulting with a qualified breast surgeon is paramount to ensure a thorough understanding of potential risks, complications, and post-operative care.

Preparation and considerations

Begin by determining your preferences for breast size, feel, and appearance. Then your plastic surgeon will discuss implant options, including smooth or textured surfaces, round or teardrop shapes, and saline or silicone materials. Please ensure you review patient information from the manufacturer and retain copies of your records for reference.

It’s essential to acknowledge that breast implants do not prevent breast sagging. We may recommend a breast lift alongside augmentation to address sagging concerns. Additionally, understand that breast implants have a finite lifespan, typically around ten years, and may require replacement due to age-related changes or potential ruptures.

Post-surgery considerations

Following breast augmentation, routine mammograms may require specialised views due to the presence of implants. It’s crucial to anticipate potential challenges with breastfeeding, as breast implants can affect milk production and delivery. While some women may not encounter difficulties, others may face challenges.

Routine monitoring and maintenance

Routine screening for silicone implant rupture is recommended, typically through breast MRI every 5-6 years post-implantation. Ultrasound may be an alternative screening method if symptoms arise. Please get advice from a breast clinic surgeon about baseline mammograms before surgery and adjust medications to minimise bleeding risks.

While breast augmentation can enhance breast shape and size, it’s essential to maintain realistic expectations and understand that perfection may not be achievable. Approach the procedure with careful consideration, informed decision-making, and expert guidance to achieve the best outcomes.

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