Breast Cancer & Cosmetic Surgery | D B Ghosh

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Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Risk of Getting Breast Cancer

Your breast health matters. While the thought of breast cancer may be daunting, remember that prevention is critical. By incorporating simple lifestyle changes, you can potentially lower your risk. Let’s explore these lifestyle changes to empower you on your journey towards better breast health.

Prioritise physical activity and regular exercise

Physical activities and regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer. Aim for at least 60 to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This not only contributes to overall health but also reduces the risk of various diseases, including breast cancer. Take part in activities you enjoy. It could be anything from swimming, walking, or yoga to promote breast health.

Adopt a healthy diet and maintain a balanced weight

Nourishing your body with fresh, nutrient-rich foods is essential for overall health and well-being. Focus on a balanced diet (vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins) while limiting processed and high-fat foods.

Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol

Smoking and excessive alcohol have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. If you smoke, seek support to quit and reduce alcohol consumption to moderate levels. Opt for healthier alternatives and prioritise your well-being.

Consider pregnancy timing

Timing of pregnancy may influence breast cancer risk, with evidence suggesting that giving birth before the age of 30 may offer protective benefits. Women who conceive after the age of 30 may have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. However, it’s essential to note that many women have healthy pregnancies after 30 without developing breast cancer.

While these measures may not guarantee complete protection against breast cancer, they can significantly lower the risk and contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Stay proactive about your breast health, be mindful of any changes or symptoms, and consult with a breast cancer specialist if you have any concerns. We can empower ourselves to make positive choices for a healthier future.