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Gynecomastia surgery in London

Things to know prior to Gynecomastia surgery in London

Key considerations before undergoing gynecomastia surgery

Large breasts on men (sometimes more colloquially referred to as ‘man boobs’) can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and the desire to hide away. However, enlargement of male breast tissue, known as gynecomastia, need not be a permanent concern. Choose a well known clinic specialising in breast healthcare which offers gynecomastia surgery, providing men with the opportunity to reduce breast size and regain confidence in various aspects of life, including modelling, acting, and engaging in physical activities without fear of judgement.

Understanding the causes:

Hormonal changes during puberty are often to blame for the development of gynecomastia. While some individuals may experience a reduction in breast tissue post-puberty, others find themselves dealing with enlarged breasts that impact confidence levels and quality of life. Additionally, factors such as weight gain, steroid use, and marijuana consumption can contribute to the enlargement of male breast tissue.

Assessing your situation:

Begin by examining your chest. Gynecomastia may affect one or both breasts and can present as tender, firm, and mobile tissue or as hard and fixed lumps. If you notice any unusual changes, such as discharge or cysts, book an initial consultation with a surgeon to rule out the possibility of cancer. Self-examination is the first step, and if no signs of breast cancer are present, gynecomastia surgery can be a viable option following a thorough diagnosis.

Understanding the surgical process:

During your consultation, you can discuss your concerns regarding excess fat and lumps in the breasts. Gynecomastia surgery typically involves the removal of breast tissue, which may include excess fat removal and liposuction. Additionally, we may recommend the removal of excessive glandular breast tissue to achieve the desired results.

Preparing for surgery:

Before undergoing gynecomastia surgery, we’ll advise you to cease certain medications and smoking habits while focusing on improving overall nutrition to facilitate faster healing and recovery. Additionally, we’ll assess whether you are a suitable candidate for surgery and determine the procedure’s necessity based on your circumstances. Following surgery, you may require a few days off to manage swelling and discomfort, with pain management medications provided as necessary.

Final thoughts:

While gynecomastia surgery offers transformative results, preparing for potential complications is essential. These may include visible scarring, numbness, fluid collection, bruising, and bleeding. However, considering the reduction in excessive breast tissue and the subsequent improvement in quality of life, many find these potential side effects to be a worthwhile trade-off.

If you’re considering gynecomastia surgery, trust in the expertise of a reputable breast surgeon to ensure optimal results and a renewed sense of confidence.